Environmental Conservation and Restoration

Pollinator Highway Project

The Pollinator Highway project in the Slocan Valley will establish and connect crucial pollinator habitats to support the health and movement of pollinator species pollinator habitat connectivity, addressing the urgent need to protect pollinator populations, such as monarch butterflies and wild bumblebees, which have seen dramatic declines due to habitat loss and climate change.

This initiative aims to establish and connect crucial pollinator habitats to support the health and movement of pollinator species, such as monarch butterflies and wild bumblebees, which are vital to ecosystem stability.

Little Slocan River Riparian Restoration & Enhancement Education Site

ERC’s location at the confluence of the Slocan River and Little Slocan River is a unique and ecologically important wildlife corridor. ERC seeks to protect and restore the land in which we are privileged to operate on and steward in Sinixt təmxʷúlaʔxʷ.

This project has been in motion since 2020, and its goals include restoration of the riparian zones at ERC while also creating an outdoor, hands-on classroom at Elk Root Conservation Farm to share information and education with respect to the importance of being responsible ecological stewards of riparian zones on private lands.

What’s Next?

In 2023, our goal is to move forward with the revision and planning of LSR3EES to be ‘shovel ready’ to move ahead with a project plan that focuses on riparian environmental land stewardship education in 2024/25.

Biodiversity Catchment Pond

Coming Soon