Welcome to the Honey Pot!
Elk Root Conservation’s Educational Demonstration Gardens would not be the magical place they are today without the hard work and passion of our volunteers, youth interns, Honey bees & fairies. Yes, FAIRIES!! If you look closely, you may just catch a glimpse of one spreading fairy dust in the gardens on your next visit to Elk Root Conservation Farm.
Of course, none of this would be possible without your help.
How Can You Help?
By choosing to either sponsor a Honey Bee, child or classroom on a Bee Safari, you give us the opportunity to take on new projects, grow and share the beauty and the importance of nature with the community around us.
Help us preserve nature for future generations and share a little of its magic with the kiddos by sponsoring a Honey bee, a child, or a classroom today…
And make dreams come true!
Sponsor a Bee
Worker Bee
When you sponsor a Worker Bee, you will receive a thank you note from your worker bee along with a Bee Card.
These little guys are in fact all females and make up the majority of the bee colony! They literally do everything needed to keep the hive in tip top shape. They care for the babies, tend to the Queen bee, clean the house, and regulate the hive temperature by fanning their wings and cuddling together. They even guard the hive entrance, Worker bees sure know how to stay busy!
Honey Pot
When you sponsor a honey pot you will receive 4 Bee Cards, 3 Beeswax Wraps, and a honey pot will be gifted to a vulnerable community member.
Honey bees bring their foraged nectar back to the hive where it becomes glorious honey! Honey is bees’ main food, so here at Elk Root Conservation, we do not ‘harvest’ honey in the fall like most beekeepers, we leave it all for the bees to eat! Instead, in spring, the bees generously give us the extra honey that they did not eat during the winter, and we share it with vulnerable community members.
Dancing Bee
When you sponsor a Dancing Bee, you receive a thank you note from your Dancing bee, along with 4 Bee Cards and 1 Beeswax Wrap.
When a worker matures and starts venturing outside the hive, she becomes known as a forager. If a forager finds an abundant nectar or pollen patch, they will quickly return to the hive and do an energetic dance to convey the location of the patch: the dance moves indicating the location of the patch like a little bee GPS!
When you sponsor a Hive you will receive, 4 Bee Cards , 4 Beeswax Wraps, and a special taster jar of golden delicious honey as a thank you from the members of your hive!
We all need a safe, comfy place to call home, and bees are no exception. With climate change accelerating, hives are more important than ever to honey bees’ survival and our local food security. We take pride in our cutting edge hive design innovations here at Elk Root Conservation to improve the health and wellbeing of Honey bees. Help save the bees by considering to sponsor a hive today!
Queen Bee
When you sponsor a Queen Bee, you receive a thank you from the Queens’ Attendants, 4 Bee Cards and 2 Beeswax Wraps.
A queen bee is one of a kind…literally! Each hive contains only one queen while there are up to 60,000 worker bees. These bees groom her, feed her, and even digest her food for her! The queen definitely earns this care though as she lays ALL the eggs for the colony! The queen bees at Elk Root Conservation are treated like royalty!
Sponsor a Bee Safari!
Sponsor a Child
When you sponsor a child, you will receive a thank you note from one of the Elk Root Queen Bees, along with a Bee Card .
This donation covers the cost of one child to visit the Elk Root Conservation gardens and Bee Barn to learn about the important work of bees in nature and meet our buzZzy friends up close!
Sponsor a Classroom
When you sponsor a classroom, you will receive a Bee Safari class picture, 4 Bee Cards, and 2 Beeswax Wraps.
This donation covers the cost of a classroom and their teacher to take a field trip to Elk Root Conservation and go on a Bee Safari to learn all about the importance of bees